Category Archives: Fashion

Modeling Portfolio Shoot: Brittany Patterson
I had been wanting to shoot with Miss Brittany for a long time, and so I was pumped that both our schedules alined andView full post »

Fashion Shoot: Monique and Bre
During the last week I was living in Eugene, I was lucky enough to do a SUPER CUTE styled shoot with two gorgeous modelsView full post »

Modeling Portfolio Shoot: Allie
World, meet the gorgeous Miss Allie. Allie had asked me to take some graduation photos for her, but she also wantedView full post »

Modeling Portfolio Shoot: Taylor
Those of you who have been following my work for a while (which I am SO thankful for!) probably know that I almostView full post »

Fashion Shoot: Kate
This post is chalk full of images because I couldn’t narrow it down. Kate is literally magic in front of theView full post »

Lifestyle and Fitness Shoot with Destiny Moniz
You’ve probably heard me gush about Miss Destiny in past blog posts, and this one is no different! DestinyView full post »

A NEW blog and a fashion shoot with Christina Collier!!
SAY HELLO TO THE NEW HALEY GRAHAM PHOTOGRAPHY BLOG! I’ve been working on this non-stop for the last two weeks andView full post »